
Executive Director

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Abdur Rahman

Executive Director

Mr. Abdur Rahman is a dynamic and self-driven individual, serving as the Executive Director of Omega Medical Complex Limited. Despite his youthful age, he has already displayed a remarkable level of expertise and passion for transforming healthcare services within the community. With a strong acumen in operational excellence, he has proven his capabilities in efficiently managing and executing hospital projects.

Mr. Rahman's vision revolves around providing modern and top-notch healthcare facilities to the community while keeping costs affordable.

His tenure as the Executive Director, Mr. Rahman has exhibited exceptional leadership skills, inspiring his team to work collaboratively and tirelessly in pursuit of their shared goal, by delivering exceptional medical services. Under his guidance, Omega Medical Complex Limited and Hospital have seen tremendous growth, becoming a cornerstone of the healthcare sector in the region.

As a young and energetic Executive Director, Mr. Rahman continues to inspire others with his dedication and unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare standards. His pursuit of excellence and passion for serving the community has cemented his position as a rising leader in the healthcare industry. He also holds the important and busy appointment of Executive Director of Bio Mass International Limited.